We created a facebook event to spread the word about how I can get up to $3 towards my training at no cost to you!
I get up to $3 towards my training when you join Goldstar!
It's FREE & you save 50% on event tickets from sports to concerts to ballet! Please do it for me! It only takes a minute.
We get all of our ballet tickets on there at great prices!
There is no time frame you can do it anytime and tell your friends.
I'm also giving away old pointe shoes to one person in the event attendee list by random drawing in November. Anyone can join the event even if you don't click the link. Also, some of you may not be able to if it's not in your area. It goes by USA zip code I think. The link is at http://www.balletfreak.com/ or also on this blog in the menu to the right. Click the Goldstar banner. My facebook page is at http://www.facebook.com/balletbabble if you want to join the event.
Also on http://www.balletfreak.com if you shop on Amazon or buy from any of the affiliate links, like leotards from Motionwear, a % goes to my training. =)