Wednesday, June 12, 2013

San Diego School of Ballet Student Show - Coppelia

Short summary of Coppelia:

Coppélia is a life size dancing doll created by Dr Coppelius. The doll is so lifelike that Franz, a young man from the village, becomes infatuated with her thinking she it is a real girl. He sets aside his true love, Swanhilde, and develops a plan to meet Coppélia. Swanhilde dresses as the doll, pretending to make it come alive, and saves Franz from a terrible fate at the hands of the inventor. It is a playful and fun ballet! If you have not seen it you should definitely make a point of it.

Here are some rehearsal videos of our show. I will load  show videos asap. We rehearsed ever Saturday and Sunday for about 3 months.

Fernando Martin-Gullans (14), Erick Garnica (17), Brittney Geoghegan - Coppelia/Swanhilde (15), Robbie Downey (14) , Polina Rozhkova (17) , Sara Yuen (17), Sophia T (14), Ruby Clementine Kerncamp (17), and Grace (13)

Staged by Maxim Tchernychev

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